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Sodacore Packages

Sodacore is built as a mono-repo with a collection of core packages, alongside core-maintained plugins to offer extra functionality.

Available Packages

All packages are listed below.

  • ✔️ - Completed.
  • 🚧 - In Development.
  • ✔️🚧 - Functional; Not Finished.
  • ❌ - Not Started
@sodacore/registryThe registry package is a globalised KV storage that is the heart of the framework.✔️
@sodacore/diA dependency injection library that is built to handle dependencies across your modules.✔️🚧
@sodacore/coreThe core is the root of the framework, and contains all of the main modules, that run your framework.✔️🚧
@sodacore/httpThe HTTP package provides a HTTP service, with route matching, middleware, and decorators for customising your controllers.✔️
@sodacore/wsThe WS package provides a WebSocket server (integrating with @sodacore/http if available) with a command structure, and decorators for controllers.
@sodacore/i18nThe i18n (Internationalisation) package purely extends the functionality offering a translation and localisation setup.

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.